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  • Captain Marvel #25  Marvel vs Alien - Jamie McKelvie Cover Graded CGC 9.6
    Captain Marvel #159 Marvel vs. Alien variant cover.

    Graded CGC 9.6
    9.6 WHITE Pages
    Kelly Thompson story
    Lee Garbett & Belen Ortega art
    Jamie McKelvie cover
    NZ$ 199.00
  • Journey to Star Wars: The Force Awakens #3 CGC 9.6
    Star Wars Comics, The Force Awakens #3
    CGC Graded 9.6
    Language: English
    NZ$ 199.99
  • Ultimate Universe - One Year In 1 DIKE RUAN VARIANT Marvel Comics
    Comic Script by: Deniz Camp, Christopher Condon
    Illustrated by: Jonas Scharf, Alessandro Cappuccio
    Cover Design or Artwork by: Dike Ruan

    THE CLOCK IS TICKING DOWN TO THE MAKER'S ARRIVAL! Deniz Camp flips the narrative on ULTIMATES and takes us inside the Maker's Council! The heroes of the Ultimate Universe aren't the only ones who have been preparing for the return of the Maker, and the clock is ticking down… This unique one-shot sets the stage for the second year of the Ultimate line and includes the debut of the Ultimate versions of two major Marvel characters!
    NZ$ 13.49
  • Captain America #16 Marvel Comics
    Comic Script by: J. Michael Straczynski
    Illustrated by: Carlos Magno
    Cover Design or Artwork by: Taurin Clarke

    "THE NEW WARRIORS THREE" PART THREE! Captain America, Spider-Man and Thor are trapped in a mirror dimension harboring Broxton's glory days - and ghosts of Thor's failures are ready to exact their revenge. Can Cap and Spidey help free Thor of his past, or is Broxton's history doomed to repeat itself forever?
    NZ$ 11.49
  • Captain America #16 CARLOS MAGNO VARIANT Marvel Comics
    Comic Script by: J. Michael Straczynski
    Illustrated by: Carlos Magno
    Cover Design or Artwork by: Carlos Magno

    "THE NEW WARRIORS THREE" PART THREE! Captain America, Spider-Man and Thor are trapped in a mirror dimension harboring Broxton's glory days - and ghosts of Thor's failures are ready to exact their revenge. Can Cap and Spidey help free Thor of his past, or is Broxton's history doomed to repeat itself forever?
    NZ$ 11.49
  • Ultimate Black Panther #11 JOSEMARIA CASANOVAS CONNECTING VARIANT Marvel Comics
    Comic Script by: Bryan Hill
    Illustrated by: Stefano Caselli
    Cover Design or Artwork by: Josemaria Casanovas

    A NEW VILLAIN JOINS THE FRAY! Black Panther's war of attrition against Moon Knight becomes more complicated as Wakanda's defense must become two-pronged! Plus, T'Challa discovers vibranium in his blood, bringing with it even more visions and more mystery…
    NZ$ 11.49
  • Captain America #117 FACSIMILE EDITION NEW PRINTING Marvel Comics
    Comic Script by: Stan Lee
    Illustrated by: Gene Colan
    Cover Design or Artwork by: Gene Colan

    Captain America meets a new crimefighting partner as the Falcon makes his daring debut! Sam Wilson and his avian accomplice, Redwing, take center stage in the midst of one of Cap's greatest showdowns with his evil archenemy, the Red Skull! Trapped on the island of Exiles, Cap begins training Sam Wilson to join him in final battle with the Skull - and helps him adopt a stirring alter ego to strike fear into the hearts of their enemies! The Falcon is born, and nothing will ever be the same again for Sam Wilson or Steve Rogers! It's one of the all-time great Marvel comic books, boldly re-presented in its original form, ads and all! Reprinting CAPTAIN AMERICA (1968) #117.
    NZ$ 11.49
  • The Spectacular Spider-Men #10 Marvel Comics
    Comic Script by: Greg Weisman
    Illustrated by: Cory Smith
    Cover Design or Artwork by: Emilio Laiso

    The Spider-Men and the new hero ELEMENTARY go out to protect the city. One's maiden voyage is rarely just like practice, and this is no exception…
    NZ$ 9.99
  • The Spectacular Spider-Men #10 MARK BAGLEY VARIANT Marvel Comics
    Comic Script by: Greg Weisman
    Illustrated by: Cory Smith
    Cover Design or Artwork by: Mark Bagley

    The Spider-Men and the new hero ELEMENTARY go out to protect the city. One's maiden voyage is rarely just like practice, and this is no exception…
    NZ$ 9.99
  • Ultimate Spider-Man #12 PACO MEDINA WINTER HOLIDAY VARIANT Marvel Comics
    Comic Script by: Jonathan Hickman
    Illustrated by: Marco Checchetto
    Cover Design or Artwork by: Paco Medina

    A VERY MERRY SPIDER-CHRISTMAS? Season's greetings from the Parker family! But why is Peter acting so strangely during the most wonderful time of the year? And what's got Gwen so concerned? Don't miss the thrilling conclusion of the second arc - and the first year - of ULTIMATE SPIDER-MAN!
    NZ$ 11.49
  • Amazing Spider-Man #263 FACSIMILE EDITION Marvel Comics
    Comic Script by: Tom DeFalco
    Illustrated by: Ron Frenz
    Cover Design or Artwork by: Ron Frenz

    Continuing a Facsimile celebration of the early days of Spider-Man's black costume, which he has now discovered is really an alien symbiote intending to bond with him forever! Peter Parker may have separated himself from his symbiotic suit, but his problems don't end there. Now he has a would-be sidekick to deal with in the form of Ollie Osnick, the spectacular Spider-Kid! Ollie has a modified set of Doctor Octopus arms, a replica Spidey suit and an eagerness to fight crime! But while he wears red-and-blue, Peter Parker dons a replica version of his sleek black suit, whipped up for him by the Black Cat! Will Spidey take the kid under his wing? It's one of the all-time great Marvel comic books, boldly re-presented in its original form - iconic photograph cover, ads and all! Reprinting AMAZING SPIDER-MAN (1963) #263.
    NZ$ 11.49
  • Amazing Spider-Man #63 RAFAEL ALBUQUERQUE NEW COSTUME VARIANT Marvel Comics
    Comic Script by: Justina Ireland
    Illustrated by: Gleb Melnikov
    Cover Design or Artwork by: Rafael Albuquerque

    THE 8 DEATHS OF SPIDER-MAN CONTINUES! Spider-Man finds himself face-to-face with CYRIOS, SCION OF CYTORRAK! Cyrios represents the inevitability of time and takes Spider-Man on a heartbreaking tour through Peter Parker's past AND future in excruciating detail. How many deaths will Spider-Man spend trying to alter his past and save his future?!
    NZ$ 11.49
  • Alien - Paradiso #1 Marvel Comics
    Comic Script by: Steve Foxe
    Illustrated by: Edgar Salazar, Peter Nguyen
    Cover Design or Artwork by: Iban Coello

    WELCOME TO PARADISO! Welcome to Paradiso, where the money flows like blood and the blood flows like acid! The Tulum of space, Paradiso is a hidden gem among the colonies with its tropical climate, white sand beaches and a remarkable population of hyper-wealthy criminals. When Colonial Marshals Dash Nanda and Lydia Reeves are sent there to bust a smuggling ring, they think they've hit the job-assignment jackpot. But the only ones getting lucky here are those HUNGRY enough to take what they need. Steve Foxe, Edgar Salazar and guest contributor Peter Nguyen shine neon lights on the horrors of the Alien franchise with a bold story of the gambles we must take to survive!
    NZ$ 11.49
  • Alien - Paradiso #1 BEN HARVEY VARIANT Marvel Comics
    Comic Script by: Steve Foxe
    Illustrated by: Edgar Salazar, Peter Nguyen
    Cover Design or Artwork by: Ben Harvey

    WELCOME TO PARADISO! Welcome to Paradiso, where the money flows like blood and the blood flows like acid! The Tulum of space, Paradiso is a hidden gem among the colonies with its tropical climate, white sand beaches and a remarkable population of hyper-wealthy criminals. When Colonial Marshals Dash Nanda and Lydia Reeves are sent there to bust a smuggling ring, they think they've hit the job-assignment jackpot. But the only ones getting lucky here are those HUNGRY enough to take what they need. Steve Foxe, Edgar Salazar and guest contributor Peter Nguyen shine neon lights on the horrors of the Alien franchise with a bold story of the gambles we must take to survive!
    NZ$ 11.49
  • Alien - Paradiso #1 J. GONZO VARIANT Marvel Comics
    Comic Script by: Steve Foxe
    Illustrated by: Edgar Salazar, Peter Nguyen
    Cover Design or Artwork by: J. Gonzo

    WELCOME TO PARADISO! Welcome to Paradiso, where the money flows like blood and the blood flows like acid! The Tulum of space, Paradiso is a hidden gem among the colonies with its tropical climate, white sand beaches and a remarkable population of hyper-wealthy criminals. When Colonial Marshals Dash Nanda and Lydia Reeves are sent there to bust a smuggling ring, they think they've hit the job-assignment jackpot. But the only ones getting lucky here are those HUNGRY enough to take what they need. Steve Foxe, Edgar Salazar and guest contributor Peter Nguyen shine neon lights on the horrors of the Alien franchise with a bold story of the gambles we must take to survive!
    NZ$ 11.49
  • Your Friendly Neighbourhood Spider-Man #1 MARVEL ANIMATION VARIANT Marvel Comics
    Comic Script by: Christos Gage
    Illustrated by: Eric Gapstur
    Cover Design or Artwork by: Marvel Animation

    PREQUEL TO THE ALL-NEW ANIMATED SERIES! In Marvel Animation's new series, we find Peter Parker still finding his footing on his journey to becoming the Spider-Man we all know and love! In this series, you can take the very first steps along with him as he discovers his powers, decides to become a hero, and even picks out his name and costume! Now Peter's gotta survive an entire Freshman year as a newbie crime-fighting vigilante…and if you think you know how this story goes, you are in for a surprise!
    NZ$ 11.49
  • Your Friendly Neighbourhood Spider-Man #1 INHYUK LEE VARIANT Marvel Comics
    Comic Script by: Christos Gage
    Illustrated by: Eric Gapstur
    Cover Design or Artwork by: Inhyuk Lee

    PREQUEL TO THE ALL-NEW ANIMATED SERIES! In Marvel Animation's new series, we find Peter Parker still finding his footing on his journey to becoming the Spider-Man we all know and love! In this series, you can take the very first steps along with him as he discovers his powers, decides to become a hero, and even picks out his name and costume! Now Peter's gotta survive an entire Freshman year as a newbie crime-fighting vigilante…and if you think you know how this story goes, you are in for a surprise!
    NZ$ 11.49
  • Godzilla vs Mighty Morphin Power Rangers II #2 Comic
    Written by
    Cullen Bunn
    Art by
    Baldemar Rivas
    The Mighty Morphin Power Rangers and Godzilla have been caught in a sprawling space-time scheme orchestrated by Rita Repulsa and Astronema! They team up to save alternate versions of the Power Rangers from being targeted by sinister forces. As the Power Rangers and Godzilla transverse realities with the help of a newfound ally, the shape of the foes they face become clear: the Psycho Rangers! But the Psycho Rangers have siphoned powers and abilities from beyond their own world, and if the Rangers and Godzilla can't stop them, the entire multiverse will suffer the consequences!
    NZ$ 11.49

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